Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Organizing a party?

Organizing a party?
i am organising a spring pool party month end september (South Africa) -with the idea of making money. it wont be difficult getting the poeple to attend. just not sure how to make it clear that everything from food to drinks will be on sale. drinks will be cheaper than in the stores and taverns, i am getting it for half price. how do invite people and tell them and things will be sold?
Entertaining - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'd probably charge admission to include the food, and then just let them know it's "cash bar" for the drinks. Then I'd charge them full price for the drinks.
2 :
You better check if you can even do that. I know that here in the states, you cant sell liquor without a license. What people do you plan to have attend? People you know? friends? If so, it's a tad tacky to invite people to a party and charge them.
3 :
Invite them to a 'fund raiser' and not a party. Be sure to state what the fund's are needed for. Example invitation: You are invited to attend a pool party fund raiser for such and such. It will be held on 9 sept 07 at 'place' between the hours of 1 to 4 pm. Admission will be $ per person and includes food and non-alcoholic drinks. Beer and mixed drinks will be available for purchase. (or include that also in the admission price)Please respond by 5 sept 07. etc, etc. That would be my suggestion. Good Luck.
4 :
Is this a fundraiser for some charity, or just a party to raise money for you? If it is a fundraiser for a charity, check with your local authorities for a one day liquor license. On your invitation mention the charity the money will go to, and that food and drinks will be available for sale. If it is a party to raise money for you, that is in rather poor taste.