Friday, June 14, 2013

Can someone please check this for me please?

Can someone please check this for me please?
Christina Seward Imperialism Essay During the 19th century, many countries conquered the weaker countries and imperialized them for the main reason of religion but also for other reasons such as for natural resources, raw materials, glory, trade, and opportunity. Most of the raw materials were wood, coal, and oil and some of the natural resources are gold, silver, and ivory. Countries such as Britain, French, and Spain imperialized al to of places in Africa, India, South and North America. All colonies are driven by the main purpose of religion. They went to their colony to teach the people of that country about christianity. The British went mostly to India and the Oceanic Continent. In India they not only reformed and industrialized India but also taught them about Christianity. They made schools and built railroads all around India which brought the country together as a whole and also culturally diffused a lot of different elements of peoples lives. However, while some of the British were reforming India, others were getting slaves, natural resources and raw materials. Another country that imperialized a lot was France. France took over countries mostly in Africa. There they attempted to convert the African people to Christianity, thinking that it was the best religion for them. Missionaries and priests were the main converters. An example of a missionary is Dr. David Livingstone. He went to South Africa and attempted to convert the African people to Christianity. While Dr. Livingstone was attempting to change African peoples minds about religion and culture, there were other people trying to take over an area for natural resources, which those can then be made into expensive manufacturing goods. Majority of these people did not make much money from trading, so on the side they cut out the middle man and traded directly with the people of England. This brought in a lot more money than working through the governors and merchants. please check the grammar and punctuation
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seems fine but what exactly do you need checked? the content or the grammer