Saturday, April 14, 2012

Don't You people think America could change the world but end up wasting money?

Don't You people think America could change the world but end up wasting money?
Hello I love living in America it's probably the best place to live in the world but everyday I see people wasting money for no reason. If I was a celebrity like lebron james,tom hanks or tiger woods. I would be donating more than 50% of income (I swear on my life). All I need is a 1million. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a little luxury. When I watch T.V. I see all these bad shows and movies and think the money used to make this film could have been used to help kids in Africa or something. I hate how celebrities donate some money to kids in a kind of ghetto neighborhood and make sure it's on T.V. Those kids don't even need that stuff and their neighborhood is just considered ghetto because the rest of America looks great. I also hate how people say their from the streets and say yeah I'm from New york,compton,detroit,chicago,miami. Try living in South Africa,Russia,Pakistan or even central America. You aint even seen ghetto yet. If you get kids from those 3rd world countries and put them in American ghettos, they will think there in heaven. Don't get me wrong America is a great country. It's clean,organized and practically anyone can make it here. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the government. This message is for the ignorant Americans that worry if their car,body or clothes look good. Stop being selfish and start donating. I'm not saying I'm perfect and maybe i am being a little hypocritical. I donated 25$ to world vision about a while ago. It wasn't a lot but it made me feel better. I suggest you do the same. Maybe I'm wrong what do you think?
Other - Society & Culture - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's actually 4th best country in the world - After Norway, Australia and New Zealand as officially documented but as you are now over 14 trillion dollars in debt, I suggest Americans stop wasting their money Lol
2 :
Most waste isn't controlled by the people in my opinion. The way money flows in America 90% of the people own maybe 10% of the wealth, while the wealthy own 90%. The vast majority of us agree with you, the problem is just that the vast majority are low-middle class working people just trying to survive. (if middle class even exists anymore)
3 :
America is wasting money now. We are on our way to being a 3rd world Nation. I'll be happy if I can pay my bills and survive.
4 :
5 :
Yes. But some celebrities do donate some of their money. I just don't know about Tiger Woods. There are people who prefer that their good deeds are kept a secret.