How much does it cost to travel the world within 3-4 months?
Me and my girlfriend just graduated from college. We plan to make enough money for us to travel the world within 3-4months. We will probably spend 1 month in North America, 2 weeks in South America, 2 weeks in Western Europe, 3 weeks in Eastern Europe, 1 week in Middle East, 2 weeks in North Africa and 1 week in India. We plan to leave in the cheapest model and eat cheap but clean food. We will camp wherever we can and avoid fly when there is a cheaper way. How much money do we need?
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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1 :
One week in India? One week in Middle East? You'll only just have arrived and changed your currency when it will be time to leave again. You don't want to spend your whole entire trip at airports. I think you are trying to do too much in too little time, and in your plan most of your available money will be eaten up with travel fares and visas, because you will be constantly on the move. You are travelling to see the world, and need enough time to see it. I'd recommend you decide on a destination and spend one week in each of 4 different places there. Last year I did this in Australia, one week in each of 4 states, and I'd need more visits to see all the rest. If you take South America, that might translate as one week in each of four countries. Same with Western Europe. Interesting, but still only scratching the surface. For cost, calculate the air fares and treble it. That will give you a starting point. Even if you find cheaper ways to travel, it leaves you more for food and accommodation. Air fares aren't always the dearest - in Australia, to get to one place I went would have taken 2 days by bus. By air I was there in 2 hours, giving me more time there, and it also cost a lot less. Sounds like fun - just don't cut it so tight.
2 :
I guess around $40k USD