Does anyone else notice that national geographic channel is actually a racist porn industry?
so is travel channel. They have series and shows, its about different clans and tribes in africa or south american amazon rainforrest. They lied to the viewers and says it's about exploring other cultures, but thats just bull crap because all I see are naked people. And thats what these channels are doing, they are selling porn in secret yet right infront of our eyes. And they censored nothing, only time they give parental discription is when the villagers are going to slay an animal other then that u can see sacking boobs, big penises, butts, virgina, you name it everything. They are disrespecting other people's culture why not give them some clothing while filming? These big businesses are disgusting, they are insulting other people and they are insulting me as a viewer. Because they lied to viewers like me by saying it is educational and force me to watch their porn then they would make money out of viewers ratings. Who else is with me on this one? As americans we have to stop this cultural exploitation of porno industries and their disreguard of other people's culture. superior intellect then why do they give it a rated 14 or PG? only time the parent warning appears is when they hunt animal and kill it for food. But the whole entire show naked people everywhere and none censored, and you telling me that its my imagineation? where the **** are the parental watch group? they complains shows like jerry springer or HBO night time but when they put a program about nake people and its rated PG and says it is "educational" all of a sudden everyone is ok with it. come on what kind of bull shit is that
Other - Cultures & Groups - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Really? I always thought it was MTV that ws racist and pornographic
2 :
It's you and your mentality that's making it "pornographic". They are showing you how other people live around the world and other people's lifestyles and if you are not mature enough to actually understand the purpose of the show than you should just change the channel.
3 :
4 :
You can see virgina, OMG. LOL.
5 :
its all for whites
6 :
Only to immature people like yourself
7 :
Where are the rights of these poor africans they should get paid the same amount of money as any other porn artist, this ain't right. AND well now that i am aware of this i will watch the national geographic channel more often! ^_^ thanx! except for the racist part that ain't right
8 :
"Superior intellect" is completely right. Its not porn, there's nothing sexual in what they are doing. ::NEWSFLASH:: some other cultures DONT wear clothes! Its like saying they have nothing to teach us because they dont wear what we wear. Why would they tell them to put on our idea of whats right, our western clothes. That's awfully ignorant. If you dont want to watch it then, dont. Wow. that was easy. Taking responsibility for your own actions. Who woulda thought..... LOL @ "forcing me to watch their porn".. Its almost like the remote control becomes handcuffs, huh!!!
9 :
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